Morphea (Localized Scleroderma)
Conveniently located to serve the areas of Los Angeles and Santa Monica, CA

Morphea, also known as localized scleroderma, is a rare condition that causes scar-like changes to the skin. Morphea commonly presents as oval lesions on the trunk (chest, abdomen, and/or back). It can also present as a linear stripe on the arms, legs, and even the forehead or scalp. In its initial inflammatory phase, morphea can appear as pink, purplish, or bruise-like patches of skin. The affected areas evolve to become white, firm, hard, thickened, and bound-down plaques. As the condition runs its course and the inflammation resolves, it may leave behind residual discoloration or scarring. The condition is most common in white females. The exact cause is unknown. Treatment options include topical therapies, phototherapy, and also systemic medications.